Sunday, October 9, 2011

MLK Monument Shame!

One of the Dr. Martin Luther King's famous quotes is chiseled into a beautiful granite wall at his new memorial in Washington D.C. The quote reads exactly-------- We are determined here in Montgomery to work and fight until justice runs “down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.”--------- How many punctuation errors can you find in this quote? Let me remind you that this quote, among many others, has been set in stone at a public, federal site. People from all over the world for generations to come will visit this great place. How does something get this far without being proofread? This quote is not a Facebook status update, it is a national monument! Is anyone out there as outraged as I am? Who in the fizzuck dropped the ball on this one. Here's how the quote should have been presented, just in case someone with influence should happen across my Facebook page....--------"We are determined, here in Montgomery, to work and fight until justice runs down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.”--------- Notice the quotation marks enveloping the whole quote?(mufrackas started a quote without a quotation mark, then arbitrarily threw one in the middle) Check out the commas. This was not a difficult edit. A 5th grader could have done it, much less a whole committee of so- called educated Negros. Shame wrapped in bum plaque floating in a bowl garlic bowel movement with chunks of half digested pork fat and 90 day old taco meat!

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