Sunday, October 9, 2011

Further Thought on Amy Winehouse's Death

Now that Amy Winehouse is no more, and we prepare for the merchandising of her death, I ask the aggregate of Facebook intellectuals, "Who's next?" Whitney Houston is bobbing in and out of darkness like a distant ship on the evening horizon. How about Lindsay Lohan, suicidal in designer jeans? Will she be the dead girl in the bathroom when the lights come on? Who casts a vote for Charlie Sheen who is personally making the country aware to mental illness? How about Robert Downy Jr, churning out movies between unsuccessful stints in rehab? And all the rappers, addicted to cough medicine, preaching violence and death like they lived in Cambodia in 1972, chant their own demise. Who's next? the show must go on! Amy Winehouse died today, but this time next week we'll know that one dead monkey doesn't stop the show.

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