Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Corrupt NFL

I am sick of these NFL announcers talking about proven players, such as the Eagles' Deshawn Jackson, having to play for new contracts. The NFL is notorious for not honoring contracts or cutting players the night before they are due a roster bonus. So why should players be so honorable as to wait until the corrupt owners get ready to undermine the integrity of the game by offering them a new "non-guaranteed" contract? The NFL is the richest sports league in the world, yet nickles and dimes its players and alumni to death. After this bullshit where Terrell Pryor was suspended for the first 5 games of the season for a penalty levied by the NCAA, while Pete Carroll and Jim Tressel jumped to the NFL with Seattle and Cincinnati, after running egregiously corrupt programs at Ohio State and USC, leaving their respective programs to suffer the pending NCAA sanctions without so much as a word from the NFL. I am tired of the contention that the athletes are ruining the game with their lack of class, loyalty, and love, and them being maligned because the nature of their business with the NFL is so public, yet the owners deal covertly in a cold and calculating manner with no loyalty to anything but greed.

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