Thursday, June 16, 2005

instructions to poets

instructions to poets



what is in your house

the small wars

the kisses

worlds of windows

wade the nile there

wander your yard

find a desert  

a sky in your hand


resplendent in the tiny afternoon miracles

people hello


are simple

they stroll

they rise from cadillacs like malcolm

sincere looking for betty

the place you are is beautiful

someone is happy

someone returns a favor

someone claims you in front of the world


poet the people you know

they who come calling your name

the bible toters

little willie down the street

rapping you his new lyric

shana who shares her cigarettes

or your father

visiting and whistling

between fixing the radiator


there are lions making their way

down the bright saturday street

their perms curled and highlighted

one of them may be you

they parade in working clothes

who makes the morning fabulous?


there is a penny in your  pocket

you must never lose it

it is a one cent joy

build the day on it

then give it to someone else like a buddha


then comes someone watching you

staying near you

listening to your dreams

as for love....

go no further than who you can touch


one poem "city in all directions"

city in all directions



i shout across the avenue

he is my friend pat

he laughs back

1400 metallic blue cadillacs sprint between us

we chance it

the cadillac's sparkle scream and stop

some man flips me off

but i am going to greet my friend

we work the corner and watch the city rise again

another friend comes out of a store

it is lil’ stone doing his sly walk

there are three of us now

three of us like a sudden oasis littered with mangoes

lil stone is apples

pat is easy like late snow

and i

a nomad finally at home


from here amid the shops and apartment houses

i can hear the shore

i stretch my hand against the skyline

a few buildings disappear

lil stone laughs

the ocean flows in through the space i have created

everything is magic today

look, i have brought the ocean home to you


for miles concrete and color

and white light hovering healing me

asphalt lines all the beautiful faces

flowers make small longings in the landscaping

the windows invite me to look into my own eyes

i am coming home today to a beautiful place

i leave no doors closed

i have given everything away to children


someone is watching us three

i am sure of it

people waving and singing

a child passes 

pat starts to rhyme about him

lil stone provides the beat and i am dancing

i am sure of it

the city is too bright

the streets far too free and open

it must be saturday and

we must be in the eye of god


one poem "african gothic"

african gothic



back in gabon

in all the familiar faces

the coasts and tourists

the green and black forest

you are missing

studying engineering in berlin

maybe a stewardess with air france

some say a budding dancehall diva in norway

a year since you were home

you hid then

people coming on foot to hear electric tales of europe

an ex boyfriend who hoped to marry you

whizzes you through the streets of libreville

he smiles all day looking at you

but you need heroin

you accuse him of wanting too much

curse him for being so naïve and native

you say you are sick and need to go home

he asks if he makes you sick

you tell him africans make you sick


in munich

one man came to you

he said he wanted a black girl

to lay in his house among the expensive things

there was ivory in the tall rooms

and bantu fertility statues

he was learning fong phonetically

you taught him to say pussy

his blonde hair was long

every night his gaunt body pressed into yours

he made you love with his german women friends

one night while drinking

he played with your tit and asked for your arm

he said this would make your orgasm deeper

he said trust him


bastille day in paris

two men

took you to a small apartment

you pleased them both

the tall one asked you about hitler

he asked if africans bathed

he called you a fucking gorilla

you lacked the language to defend yourself

they called you bitch in four languages

spat tobacco on you

one had a rope

the other closed the windows

one’s penis was erect

-it hurt they way they took you

you lost their conversation in the horror

blood on the floor and wall

and in their pubic hair


a train station

replete with africans

they were deporting them en masse

everyone complaining about their belongings

about french nazism

children were watching the blacks

their mothers pointed and explained that

they were criminals come to steal

you heard them say “immoral and lazy”

then this woman’s eyes came to you

all the africans at attention in the lineup

this woman and her daughter examining their blue tar skins

she knelt down to be sure

pointed at you

the child readied for the information

“that one is a whore

like the one that robbed and stabbed alex

she corrupts the promising young men

she kills the mother country”

she said

“look dear and remember her all your life”

the little girl catalogued your face

placed it in a nightmare populated with violent blacks

all the monsters moved toward the clerk

the woman began to leave

the dangling little girl looking back at you


Monday, June 13, 2005

10 pm from houston

10 pm from houston


10 pm

you called

from houston

i was looking out on night

its stars

wondering if they were lonely

wondering how many blues

compound across memory to

blacken night and create a universe

or how many stars know there are

other stars

and are they alone like me or you?


the hours lay around me

tinting softly into shadows

the radio

a lone voice singing

in a million square miles of

deep still night


10 pm

your hello almost a dream

you reclining against our

tall still silences

against distance and the auburn dark

landscape of a tuesday night loneliness



i know you so well

your locks

your ginger and curry smile

your books

your malcolm  and bell hooks quotes

african statues and your late window lit


10 pm

from houston

there were such blues in your dreds

a sky inverting around you

and a sea of stars like the ones slaves saw

on the black warrior when they leaned from

confusion into the boundless night eye of freedom

i could see you

in the infinite theater of the world

its navy velvets pulled closed

you speaking in soliloquy

the country behind you

kept in darkness

taut and voiceless

a panorama of fluctuating blues


city turning from the day

you were philosophical


easy whichever way

in love

and pain

exhaling stars

while being crippled

finding voice over miles of

silences ribboning then disappearing

you said you were ok

that you just needed to talk

you sifted that dark sky

hemisphere by hemisphere

you found yourself


“romus” you said

“i am different

believe me


bluer than any evening of

a lover’s leaving”


i listened

the jazz slow

you speaking on long beach



then returning to the pain

of having loved

and had your laughter given back

in plain packages anonymously

on your doorstep


we always laugh

we are that way

sneak a smile into your pocket

12 am

we say goodbye

you say you’ll be back soon

i say

the city has not changed

that i have seen a few of the cats lately

and that the movement here misses you

in closing

you militantly call me “my brotha”

i say “black power”

my dear sistuh

my friend

Thursday, June 9, 2005

poem- "blue hog"

blue hog


he grunted

and stood still

the eye watching me

focused and listening

the hog eye

600 lbs breathless in the mud

caught in the world like a blunt cloud

wire fences lined the horizon

conquering the dust eddy county one whistle at a time

basket weeds in triumph waiting to run rural roads

hobble and nap on the meridians

intent as railroad tracks and huge night freight trains

that shake and machine their way though the

brief noise of these small eyeless towns


i loitered at the hog pen with

nothing pressing

no alarm calling any action out in the copper fields

no roads meeting at any soundless urgency

agricultural workers wandering  the evening markets

covered like muslim women with scarves and dust

some with huge scars on their forearms

some with beautiful eyes


i threw the feed in

it overflowed the troughs

he ate

i filled the water hatches

and leaning on the fence

shirt open

with all that swirling ripe world behind me

letting my eye wander the cool halo sunset

thinking of the dark daytime vistas of almonds groves

i breathed in the rising earth

let it wash over me like miles of

darkening fields all bowing to god

in flushes of torrents and rest

and watched him for a while


the next day

i returned on my obligatory trek

he was somewhere in the pen

snout puffing dust

eye watching me

finally convinced by the

pour of the food

he came slowly

i reached and scratched his ear

he felt it

then in the food

he ate

his vigor returning

it was an instinct i understood from my own hunger

an action developed in the incense of poverty


i went to get the water hose

seeing him from the side then

his testicles were gone

hacked off

blood on his hams and hoofs

no one had told me

they had come during the day

assessing room in the freezer

bantering about the smoking

and curing of meat

i saw their footprints circling the pen

saw the cigarette buds flicked near old tires

beer cans laughing on fence posts

they would be back in a few days

when he was free of testosterone

when his rebellion spun unattached

and withered in the drowning autumn


two days later

in the fever of the autumn dusk

he was still there

the slow eye watching

mud unmoved

puffing in dust

he knew he knew he knew


i opened the gate

bade him leave

threw rocks at him

cursed him

he stayed

frightened by me now

his weight anchoring him

his mouth

the coming night

an errant plane coasting miles overhead

shadows moving like industrial tractors

and killing the pastures


“go and die”

i yelled

“let them come

oblivious to your little life

let them come

smoking cigarettes

and cursing their wives

let them come

absent of incense

in a liturgy of hymns

and let them come

with their mounting infirmities

wearing their absurd hunger

dreaming of tractors and war”


he stayed

puffing in the dust

powerless as a dream

i think he knew that

and i am coming to know that

all men’s faces are strange

and that the blue wall of night

would extend forever

and that maybe in his pen

with his roots and mud

in silences stirred by heaving wind

stars don’t actually move

and that the ghost of his tomorrow

sits moaning beside the road that

leads to the prison

where men kill as a solution to their discomfort

and are butchered by the state in several official languages

and that hogs were made for butchering

and instinct does not exist beyond that truth

in men or in hogs

and that i was just the caretaker

just any  boy with my concerns

a something without language

lofty as the moon

that belongs to no one

but seems to be

staring only at you

Monday, June 6, 2005

1 poem- "those who raped rosie"

those who raped rosie


those who raped rosie


those with her blood

under their fingernails

those whose erections accuse the body

of tasting the sex of horror

those whose erections dream of hurting rosie

those erections accompanied by fists

and feet in abandoned houses

you men tattooed with profanity

whose eyes are running sores

claim this body

this ripped rectum

claim these bruised 30 year old thighs

you men brutalizing the world

you men pissing in corners

you men finding penises beneath your bellies

you men with fistfuls of crackhead flesh




rosie was an addict

and sold her wicker body for dope


her people claim she’s dead

and yes

she is what we fear from our daughters

that they will come home high

skinny and old

in love with some slow eyed animal

down the midnight street

whose pockets are full of sistuh’s souls

and yes

no one will care that there were five of  you

in that windowless midnight house

and that just because rosie was an addict

french kissing death in the alleys of our lives

because she was painted sadness sat

on corners to ward witches away

because the shadows ached

as they consumed her whole

and examined her desperate stuttering blackness


that her holes were not private

you cannot have what you do not purchase

half of buying is still giving

and no matter how mortgaged her beauty

or her intellect

no matter what her habit demands she suck

sistuhs always retain the right to be respected

and that assault and pleasure is sickness


you men who raped rosie

who kicked in her teeth

and stomped her amid the boxes

you men who ejaculated deep into her blind death

and found fraternity in darkness

who turned the imprint of her ribs and

cheekbones to broken arabic echoing around her floating eye