Friday, December 2, 2005

letter to a fugitive sistuh

i wanted to call you

but i was dishonest

so lacking sanctuary

in the clear river of an infant democracy

i wrote poems about spain

clouds drawing dreams

and the multitude of invitations

to cry all morning long


the high spiderless panes of downtown sky

moved clouds across morning

and under the marquee of the theater

in a wind hinting rain in the eyes

my muddled reflection released me

let me move unencumbered by shadow to canaan


i am ok

if you need to know

somewhere traveling across your moonlit face

this astronaut you love glinting in the galaxy

somewhere where you don't admit it

small interstellar fire

you care love

i am just sad

but sadness is no sickness

no ripeness or shine

no moon leaning against the universe

not naples with beautiful boats in transit

it's just the condition of the world on tuesday


i loved you

like finding meaning in kenya

measuring myself in clay

rising from a month of prayer

fluent and citizen in mombasa

and dar es salaam

i was

i rose

i loved you in a new language

wandered a ripe continent healing people

my blackness declared at every border

new night following me across the mudstone country

the limpopo steering lumber through night

moon siren spilled on the river night


my new africa

its infant pan faced diplomats

their heartfelt constitutions

their hopeful words

your love making people believe

and the freedom the triumph we felt

as we passed into tanzania singing

where the people were voting

at the marrow of africa

the drone of your kiss in my chest


this year

the children are older

november was especially hard

because of their faces

all their faces like drops of oil

fingertip bright faces

you would be proud of the students

we send them

the starling

the children each cool morning


and some mornings

i could not see your face

and sat looking east back into memory

and was ashamed

i panicked

waiting for you to move from darkness

to call with your politics

to form against my ready mouth

yet with all the windows open

no you ever ever

no you ever no you


war blooms on the windows

like when we traveled at the edge of a monsoon

and caught the fringe rain

all the african sky behind us suddenly heavy coal

dark mozambique exhaling and flooding

threatening the caravan of peace workers

and the soldiers draped in plastic

who did everything at gunpoint

could be brought with american cigarettes

its like that here love

in this america i am trying to change

this arrogant bantu homeland

this sky i am trying to stay ahead of

the policemen with guns


we have missed the islamic sudan

and the women come wandering in somalia

covered appropriate cultural and lean

grinning like fruit

like so  many young girls there come to learn

last year we planned to empower women there

your sisters needed you

and i was going with you on a slow egyptian freighter

it was to be our time between continents

drifting in blue love

informally without speeches


but that was to be last year

trekking through chad disguised as muslims

now the students are my africa

each an infant democracy

i tell them about you

this woman who came to me from an international urgency

they pronounce your name and smile

they are beautiful errors in the autumn sky

our little freedom fighters

i have taught them african freedom songs

i sing to you on the way home in swahili

though a hemisphere voices a million concerns between us


i see them each day on my commute

countless men and women who can toil no further

something is afoot here

each day a machine aches to a stop

each day a worker changes his mind

there will be freedom coming here too

our work will begin in watts

my fugitive

my secret flower

my love